Monday 22 October 2012


Posted by Unknown at 20:22 0 comments


Figure 1.0 Design for our poster

We designed our poster based on the list given. 

1. Abstract
2. Objective
3. Methodology
4. Result
5. Conclusion
6. Application
7. References

Before we did this design, we discuss with our supervisor. All the points needed is about our project and idea. We design the poster by using Microsoft Power Point 2007. But there are some group used to design their poster by using Microsoft Publisher. It is easy to create the poster because we manage to create it less than one day but took a few hour to finish it. 

The next day, we show the design to our supervisor. Some touch up required to finish up our poster. Thanks to our supervisor for his advice about our poster. :) 

Monday 1 October 2012


Posted by Unknown at 20:30 0 comments


We are going to test our circuit either it is function or not. If the circuit function, so we will go to the next step which is design the casing for our project. 

Figure 1.0 Trainer Kit ETH 7000 and its part.

Before we use battery 9V as a power supply, we test the circuit by using trainer kit at level 2, medical laboratory. Sir Shahrul helps us to repair our circuit by measuring the voltage output after we test the circuit for the third times. This is because, our circuit connection have some problem regarding that part. Actually, we have did the circuit before with our supervisor. Maybe because of our mistake, the circuit does not function very well after we design it at PCB board. Sir Shahrul also tell that our switch and LED need to change it with a new one. We are also reprimanded for our sensor. He told us that sensor is very sensitive and always wipe the sensor after use it.  

Alhamdulillah, after we test for the fifth times, the circuit function as we test it with our supervisor. Thanks to Sir Shahrul because of him, our circuit had been done successfully.

Figure 1.1 The circuit that had been test successfully.


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