Thursday 16 August 2012


Posted by Unknown at 23:00


Based on the existing product in market, we are planning to innovate the product by improving the circuit and the design. 

Studying the existing product

Based from preview research that we have done, we found that our product is already exists in the market. Besides, we noticed that since several years ago, the problem may had been solved. Based on the product that already in the market, we have upgrade some of the methods used in simpler way.

Name of the existing product

Electronic Diaper from

Figure 1.0 An example of existing product in market.

Comparison between our product and existing product.

The existing product used programmed software to detect the moisture. Software used:

1. Digital Diaper Software by Carlitos (Hex and Source code)

2. Eagle Software

3. JAL compiler

4. Tera Term pro (debugging)

Our product : 

We are not using any software because it is complicated and time consuming for its production.

So, we choose to create moisture sensor made by ourself. 

Figure 1.1 Sensor made by ourself

Our moisture sensor :

We choose this sensor because it is easy to place it inside the diaper. This sensor will works when the water is connected to the copper part. In other words, the less the gap between the copper, the more the sensitivity of the sensor.

After it sense the moisture, it will transfer the input to the I.C NE555 which can be explain on the next post.


Unknown said...

cmne nak buat sensor tu ?
please .urgent .

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