Thursday 23 August 2012


Posted by Unknown at 22:00


Figure 1.0 An early incubator (1909)

NICU is another hospital unit that contains a variety of sophisticated mechanic devices and special equipments for treating premature infants and seriously ill newborns. This unit is staffed by a team of highly trained *neonalogists and nurses who specialized in the field of *pathophysiology of newborns.

*Neonatologist is a pediatrician with additional training in the care of sick and premature babies and supervises pediatric fellows and residents, nurse practitioners and nurses who care for babies in the NICU.

*Pathophysiology is the study pathology often involves substantial overlap in diseases and process.

Figure 1.1 Images of baby in incubator

Figure 1.2 Mobile Incubator at the Neonatal Ward

NICU combines advanced technology and trained healthcare professionals to provide intensive care for the neonates. Besides, it also has intermediate or continuing care areas for babies that need specialized nursing care. Although it provides a very great treatment, NICU is limited and only some hospitals have this unit.

The patients usually babies that were born prematurely (born before 37th week of pregnancy), have weight less than 2.5kg or have medical condition such as heart problems, infections and birth defects that requires special treatment.


Figure 1.3 Special treatment for baby in incubator


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